Time (PDT) | Title | Speaker |
8:30 am | Welcome and Opening Comments | |
9:00 am | From 51 Peg to 5700 Exoplanets: 30 Years of Exoplanet Demographics | Didier Queloz (Cambridge, remote) |
9:45 am | Break | |
10:00 am | Panel: What is a planet? | Mike Brown (Caltech), Todd Henry (Georgia State), Sally Dodson-Robinson (University of Delaware), and Matthew Penny (LSU), moderated by Eric Nielsen (NMSU) |
11:00 am | Demographics Synthesis Talk | Christoph Mordasini (University of Bern) |
11:45 am | Poster Pops I | |
12:15 pm | Lunch and Poster Session I | |
2:15 pm | Introduction to Hands-On Sessions | |
3:00 pm | Demographics of Workshop Attendees | |
3:30 pm | Break | |
4:00 pm | NASA Career Panel | |
5:00 pm | Adjourn |
Time (PDT) | Title | Speaker |
8:30 am | Planet Formation and Evolution | Eve Lee (UCSD) |
9:15 am | Twenty-Five Years of Transiting Planets | Joshua Winn (Princeton) |
10:00 am | Break | |
10:30 am | From Wobbles to Worlds: The Role of Precision Radial Velocities in Exoplanet Discovery and Characterization | Jennifer Burt (JPL) |
11:15 am | Detecting and Weighing Exoplanets with Absolute Astrometry | Tim Brandt (STScI) |
12:00 pm | Lunch | |
1:30 pm | Hands-On Session I | Ilaria Pascucchi (Arizona/LPL) and Galen Bergsten (Arizona/LPL) |
4:30 pm | Adjourn |
Time (PDT) | Title | Speaker |
8:30 am | Cold Exoplanet Demographics from Jupiter to Mars Mass with Microlensing Surveys | Matthew Penny (LSU) |
9:15 am | Detection Techniques: Direct Imaging | Eric Nielsen (NMSU) |
10:00 am | Break | |
10:30 am | System Architectures | Sarah Millholland (MIT) |
11:00 am | Exoplanet Demographics across Stellar Mass and Time | Ilaria Pascucchi (Arizona/LPL) |
11:30 am | Poster Pops II | |
12:00 pm | Lunch | |
1:00 pm | Poster Session II | |
2:00 pm | Hands-On Session II | Brendan Bowler (UCSB) and Tim Brandt (STScI) |
5:00 pm | Adjourn |
Time (PDT) | Title | Speaker |
8:30 am | Gas Giant Demographics | Brendan Bowler (UCSB) |
9:00 am | What is a sub-Neptune? | BJ Fulton (NExScI) |
9:30 am | The New Landscape of Exoplanet Atmospheres as Revealed by JWST | Johanna Teske (EPL) |
10:00 am | Break | |
10:30 am | Demographics of Planets Orbiting M Stars | David Charbonneau (CfA) |
11:00 am | Panel: Demographics of Life in the Universe | David Charbonneau (CfA), Laurie Barge (JPL), and Lisa Kaltenegger (Cornell, remote), moderated by Chas Beichman (NExScI) |
12:00 pm | Lunch | |
1:30 pm | Hands-on Session: Group Projects | |
5:00 pm | Adjourn |
Time (PDT) | Title | Speaker |
8:30 am | Future Work on Giant Planets | Giovanna Tinetti (UCL) |
9:00 am | Future Exploration of Key Planetary Processes and Trends in the Sub-Neptune Population | Daniel Apai (Arizona/LPL) |
9:30 am | Future Work on Potentially Habitable and Inhabited Rocky Planets | Jacob Lustig-Yaeger (APL) |
10:00 am | Break | |
10:30 am | What Makes a Survey Useful for Demographics | Jessie Christiansen (NExScI) |
11:00 am | The Future of Radial Velocity Planet Demographics | Andy Szentgyorgyi (CfA) |
11:30 am | The Future of Transiting Exoplanet Searches from Space in the Next Decade | Tom Barclay (NASA Goddard) |
12:00 am | Lunch | |
1:30 pm | The Future of Direct Imaging Planets with Roman & HWO | Vanessa Bailey (JPL) |
2:00 pm | The Future of Planetary Atmospheres with JWST, Ariel, HWO, and Ground-Based Telescopes | Mark Swain (JPL) |
2:30 pm | Break | |
3:00 pm | Group Project Presentations | |
4:45 pm | Closing Comments | |
5:00 pm | Adjourn |
Questions? Sagan_Workshop@ipac.caltech.edu
(last updated March 11th, 2025 16:06:11)