The NExScI is a science operations and analysis service organization for NASA Exoplanet Exploration Program projects and the scientists and engineers that use them. The NExScI facilitates the timely and successful execution of exoplanet science by providing software infrastructure, science operations, and consulting to the NASA Exoplanet Exploration Program projects and their user communities.
The NExScI is part of IPAC, located on the campus of the California Institute of Technology.
Specifically, NExScI administers and schedules NASA's portion of time on the Keck telescopes, develops and operates the NASA Exoplanet Archive, helps to administer the NASA Hubble Fellowship Program, runs the Sagan Summer Workshop, supports the Large Binocular Telescope Interferometer (LBTI) and additional projects in the Exoplanet Exploration Program.
NExScI has developed and maintains several public astronomy data archives and software tools. New datasets and data analysis tools are added to the archives as they become available.
NExScI provides operational software infrastructure and support; archiving of and access to observational data; and consultation for all stages of an experimental project, from concept development and proposal writing to implementation and analysis.
NASA Exoplanet Science Institute
California Institute of Technology
Mail Code 100-22
1200 East California Blvd.
Pasadena, CA 91125
770 South Wilson Ave.
Pasadena, CA 91125
Most of our webpages have specific contact information our various programs, missions, and data archives. For general inquiries, please call (626) 395-1860 or email
NExScI is located on the Caltech campus in the David W. Morrisroe Building. The Morrisroe building is also known as IPAC.
NExScI is building 22 on the Caltech campus map NExScI's Location on Google MapsFor those who are parking on campus, you will need to obtain a visitor parking permit and abide by Caltech parking regulations. Visitors are required to display a permit if their vehicle is parked on campus between the hours of 7am-5pm, Mon-Fri. Information about parking rules and regulations can be found on the Caltech Parking webpage.