
2020 Sagan Exoplanet Summer Virtual Workshop

Extreme Precision Radial Velocity


All times are in the Pacific time zone

Notes on the Agenda:

The original 5-day agenda for the in-person meeting was compressed to 4 days for the virtual meeting.

Pre-recorded Presentations are viewable on the Sagan Exoplanet Workshop YouTube Channel.

Live Presentations:

Most of the speakers will present a slightly shortened version of their presentation live. These will be available July 20-23 and will be recorded for eventual posting on the Sagan Workshop YouTube channel.

Panel Discussions:

The panel discussions will give attendees a chance to ask questions in real time. Panel members will give a summary of their talks and then answer questions from the live audience, and also questions submitted ahead of time.

Q & A:

During the meeting, we ask that you submit questions through the Zoom Webinar Q&A function; you can also upvote questions.

Virtual Poster Session:

Attendees can submit a poster about their exoplanet or radial velocity-related research and also a short, pre-recorded (2 min) poster advertisement. The deadline for submission is July 14. We do not have any requirements on size, but keep in mind that posters will be viewed on computer screens. While we do not have space in the agenda for a dedicated poster session, posters will be available on a web page and attendees will be encouraged to use a Slack channel for discussions about posters.

Poster files should include your name "last_first.pdf or mp4" and be submitted through the Caltech Drop Box to the email address.

Monday July 20: Fundamentals of PRV, Error Budgets, Instrumentation

Title (click title to view slide deck) Presenter Link
8:15 am Welcome and Opening Comments Chas Beichman, Dawn Gelino, Elise Furlan (Caltech/IPAC-NExScI)
8:30 am Why RVs Are Important Chad Bender (Univ. of Arizona) View
Session Chair: BJ Fulton
9:00 am Fundamentals of PRV Debra Fischer (Yale Univ.) View
9:30 am Break
9:45 am Fundamentals of Instrumentation Andreas Quirrenbach (Univ. of Heidelberg) View
Session Chair: Johanna Teske
10:15 am Panel Discussion: PRV, Error Budgets, Instumentation I Chad Bender, Debra Fischer, Andreas Quirrenbach, Mike Endl View
11:00 am Break
11:15 am Panel Discussion: PRV, Error Budgets, Instumentation II Sam Halverson, Stephanie Leifer View
12:00 pm Hands-on Session Tutorial BJ Fulton, Chad Bender, Heather Cegla, Nathan Hara View
12:45 pm Adjourn
Talks listed below will have pre-recorded versions
Fundamentals of PRV Debra Fischer (Yale Univ.) View
Fundamentals of Instrumentation Andreas Quirrenbach (Univ. of Heidelberg) View
Error Budgets Sam Halverson (JPL) View
Wavelength Calibration for EPRV Detection of Exoplanets Stephanie Leifer (JPL) View
Overview of EPRV Instruments Mike Endl (Univ. of Texas) View
Lessons Learned from Building Instruments: Interviews with 5 Astronomers conducted by Debra Fischer (Yale Univ.)
1. Lessons Learned from Building Instruments: Hectospec, TRES, GCLEF and others Andy Szentgyorgyi (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA) View
2. Lessons Learned from Building Instruments: CHIRON, VUES, EXPRES Debra Fischer (Yale Univ.) View
3. Lessons Learned from Building Instruments: The Habitable Zone Planet Finder and NEID Suvrath Mahadevan (Penn State Univ.) View
4. Lessons Learned from Building Instruments: WINTER, LLAMAS and others Gabor Furesz (MIT) View
5. Lessons Learned from Building Instruments: HARPS, ESPRESSO & others Francesco Pepe (Geneva University) View
Past and Future of RV Science: RVs in the Greater Context of Exoplanet Science Andreas Quirrenbach (Univ. of Heidelberg) View
Hands-on Session: DACE Tutorials Nathan Hara (Univ. of Geneva) Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4

Tuesday July 21: Fundamentals of Data Analysis and Statistical Significance

Title (click title to view slide deck) Presenter Link
Session Chair: Heather Cegla
8:30 am Overview of RV Planet Signal Fitting Jason Wright (Penn State) View
9:00 am Standard Method for Measuring RVs and their Uncertainties Sharon Wang (Carnegie Observatories) View
Session Chair: Eric Ford
9:30 am Statistical Significance of Signals Nathan Hara (Univ. of Geneva) View
10:00 am Break
10:15 am Panel Discussion: Measuring and Fitting RVs, Statistical Significance of Signals Jason Wright, Sharon Wang, Nathan Hara, Vinesh Maguire-Rajpaul View
11:00 am Hands-on Session Tutorial BJ Fulton, Chad Bender, Heather Cegla, Nathan Hara View
12:00 pm Adjourn
Talks listed below will have pre-recorded versions
Overview of RV Planet Signal Fitting Jason Wright (Penn State) View
Standard Method for Measuring RVs and their Uncertainties Sharon Wang (Carnegie Observatories) View
Statistical Significance of Signals Nathan Hara (Univ. of Geneva) View
Gaussian Processes: Their Power and Limitations Vinesh Maguire-Rajpaul (Cambridge Univ.) View

Wednesday July 22: Stellar Signals and Tellurics

Title (click title to view slide deck) Presenter Link
Session Chair: Andreas Quirrenbach
8:30 am Physics Responsible for Various Sources of Stellar Variability Heather Cegla (Univ. of Geneva/Univ. of Warwick) View
9:00 am Lessons from Sun as a Star Observations Annelies Mortier (Univ. of Cambridge) View
9:30 am Break
9:45 am Strategies for Mitigating Stellar Variability Jenn Burt (JPL) View
10:15 am The Impact of Telluric Lines on EPRV Measurements Cullen Blake (University of Pennsylvania) View
10:45 am Break
Session Chair: Jason Wright
11:00 am Panel Discussion: Stellar Signals, Variability & Mitigation Annelies Mortier, Cullen Blake, Heather Cegla, Jenn Burt, Peter Plavchan View
12:00 pm The EPRV Initiative Scott Gaudi (Ohio State Univ.) View
12:30 pm Hands-on Session: Planet Hunt Challenge Tutorial and Q & A BJ Fulton, Chad Bender, Heather Cegla, Nathan Hara View
1:15 pm Adjourn
Talks listed below will have pre-recorded versions
Physics Responsible for Various Sources of Stellar Variability Heather Cegla (Univ. of Geneva/Univ. of Warwick) View
Lessons from "Sun as a Star" Observations Annelies Mortier (Univ. of Cambridge) View
Strategies for Mitigating Stellar Variability Jenn Burt (JPL) View
The Impact of Telluric Lines on EPRV Measurements Cullen Blake (University of Pennsylvania) View
The EPRV Initiative Scott Gaudi (Ohio State Univ.) View
Advantages of RVs from Space Peter Plavchan (George Mason Univ.) View

Thursday July 23: Beyond EPRVs: Characterizing Planets

Title (click title to view slide deck) Presenter Link
Session Chair: Chas Beichman
8:30 am Writing a Transit Exoplanet Spectroscopy Proposal Natasha Batalha (NASA Ames) View
9:00 am High-resolution Spectroscopy of Exoplanet Atmospheres Jayne Birkby (Univ. of Oxford) View
9:30 am Break
9:45 am Panel Discussion: Spectroscopy of planet atmospheres, habitability Natasha Batalha, Jayne Birkby, Leslie Rogers
(Rogers: The Importance of Planet Mass in Assessing Planetary Habitability)
Session Chair: Chad Bender
10:30 am Determining the Reliability, Composition, and Stability of Transiting Planet Candidates Courtney Dressing (UC Berkeley) View
11:00 am Break
11:15 am Beyond Bare Detection to Biological and Geological Indicators Jim Kasting (Penn State) View
11:45 am Panel Discussion: RV, Direct Imaging, and Spectroscopy of Earths Jim Kasting, Courtney Dressing, Scott Gaudi, Jonathan Fortney
(Fortney: Origins Space Telescope)
12:35 pm Closing Comments Dawn Gelino
12:45 pm Adjourn
Talks listed below will have pre-recorded versions
Writing a Transit Exoplanet Spectroscopy Proposal Natasha Batalha (NASA Ames) 1. View Talk
2. Tutorial
3. propexo on GitHub
Determining the Reliability, Composition, and Stability of Transiting Planet Candidates Courtney Dressing (UC Berkeley) View
Beyond Bare Detection to Biological and Geological Indicators Jim Kasting (Penn State) View
The Importance of Planet Mass in Assessing Planetary Habitability Leslie Rogers (Univ. of Chicago) View

Friday July 24: Hands-on Session Wrap-up and "Lunch" with Speakers

Title (click title to view slide deck) Presenter Link
8:30 am Hands-On Sessions: Wrap-Up: Discussion of Results and Challenges BJ Fulton (Caltech/IPAC-NExScI)
9:00 am Lunch/Tea/Coffee/Dinner with speakers sign-up here before July 24
10:00 am Lunch/Tea/Coffee/Dinner with speakers sign-up here before July 24
11:00 am Lunch/Tea/Coffee/Dinner with speakers sign-up here before July 24
12:00 pm Lunch/Tea/Coffee/Dinner with speakers sign-up here before July 24


Workshop Code of Conduct.

2020 Workshop home page

(last updated March 12th, 2021 20:37:16)