
2018 Sagan Exoplanet Summer Workshop

Did I Really Just Find an Exoplanet?

July 23-27, 2018
Hosted by The NASA Exoplanet Science Institute
Beckman Institute Auditorium, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA

Sagan Exoplanet Workshop YouTube Channel

Feedback survey

The 2018 Sagan Summer Workshop will gather leaders in the field to focus on follow-up work to validate and characterize exoplanet discoveries. The follow-up needs for direct imaging, astrometry, and microlensing, radial velocity and transit detections of planets are similar but differ in the details. These differences will be discussed and explored covering what each method can detect and the shortcomings of each, with particular focus on the transit and radial velocity techniques. Attendees will participate in hands-on group projects applying tools to real data in order to validate planets. They will have the opportunity to present their own work through short presentations (research POPs) and posters.

The Sagan Summer Workshops are aimed at graduate and post doctoral level students, however anyone who is interested in learning more about the field is welcome to attend.

NASA attendees must forecast their attendance by the Feb. 23 deadline.

We ask all participants to follow this Code of Conduct.

K2 light curve of Trappist-1 (Luger et al. 2017)

2018 Sagan Summer Workshop Attendees

Topics to be covered include:

  • Transit Photometry
  • Follow-up Observations of Transit Candidates
  • Radial Velocity Surveys
  • Understanding Host Stars
  • Planetary Characterization Observations
  • Microlensing
  • Finding Planets with Direct Imaging
  • Astrometry

  • Check back often as we update the following information:
    Lunch with Speakers Sign-up
    Agenda (with videos and presentation slides)
    POP and Poster Schedule
    Hands On Sessions
    Local Information

    Registration (click to register)

    There is no registration fee, however we ask that all attendees let us know if you plan to attend. Likewise, if you have registered and your plans change, please let us know.

    NASA attendees must forecast their attendance by the Feb. 23 deadline.

    Application for Travel Support

    We have limited funding to cover local expenses (hotel, per diem), however we are not able to offer any airfare support. Each application must be accompanied by an advisor's letter of support. Attendees who are awarded lodging support will be asked stay at one of the workshop hotels, the Pasadena Hilton or the Dusit.

    If you receive travel support to attend the workshop, we ask that you follow these travel guidelines:

    POP/Poster/Talk Submission (submission deadline July 6)

    POP/Poster/Talk Submission Site

    Workshop attendees may submit two kinds of presentations: POPs and posters, with each submitted separately through the Presentation Submission site (available in late April). Attendees typically submit both a poster and a POP presentation but this is not required. We do require all attendees who receive travel support make a POP and/or poster presentation as well as to participate in the hands-on sessions. Both are intended to spark discussion during the week and to foster collaborations beyond the workshop. Due to space limitations, the number of POPs and posters that we can accept is limited. First come, first served!

    Research POPs are short (2 minute) presentations. The POP schedule is available here.

    Each poster will have a 4' x 4' (1.2 m x 1.2 m) area for display. The complete poster listing is available here. All posters will be up all week and there will be two poster sessions during the afternoon breaks on Tuesday and Wednesday with half the authors staffing their poster on each day. See the listing here to see which day you'll be presenting.

    Lunches and Workshop Dinner Ordering (order by July 16)

    Lunches and Workshop Dinner Ordering Site

    Box Lunches

    In order to facilitate networking lunches, attendees have the option of pre-purchasing box lunches. These will be delivered to the workshop location. Attendees can also sign-up to have lunch with the speakers through this link.

    Workshop Dinner: Wednesday, July 25

    On Wednesday evening, we will gather for a workshop dinner at El Cholo restaurant (260 E. Colorado Blvd., #203) in the Paseo Colorado shopping center. The cost for the dinner is $36 and tickets can be purchased here. Diners will enjoy an al fresco buffet of Mexican food including taquitos, enchiladas, and fajitas, with vegetarian options available. Dinner includes non-alcoholic drinks and a cash bar will be available.

    Important Dates
    • February 5: On-line Registration available and Application for Travel Support period open
    • February 23: Deadline for NASA and JPL Employees to Forecast Attendance (do this even if you're not sure you'll be attending!)
    • March 2: Application for Travel Support and Recommendation Letters due
    • March 16: Travel Support decisions announced via email
    • May 9: POP/Poster/Talk submission link available and Food Ordering site open
    • June 22: Hotel Reservation Deadline for both workshop hotels
    • July 6: Deadline to submit POP and poster presentations
    • July 16: Final agenda posted with POP schedule; deadline for food purchases
    • July 23-27: Sagan Exoplanet Summer Workshop

    Scientific Organizing Committee
    Local Organizing Committee

    Ian Crossfield, Chair (MIT)

    Elise Furlan (Caltech/IPAC-NExScI)

    Chas Beichman (Caltech/IPAC-NExScI)

    Alice Hang (Caltech/IPAC-NExScI)

    Fritz Benedict (UT Austin)

    ME McElveney (Caltech/IPAC)

    Cullen Blake (U Penn)

    Ellen O'Leary (Caltech/IPAC-NExScI)

    Jessie Christiansen (Caltech/IPAC-NExScI)

    David Ciardi (Caltech/IPAC-NExScI)

    Courtney Dressing (UC Berkeley)

    Eric Ford (Penn State)

    Rebecca Oppenheimer (AMNH)

    See the Sagan Exoplanet Summer Workshop YouTube Channel for videos of presentations since 2014.

    Click here for information and presentations from previous summer workshops.

    Questions or to be added to our announcement email list?

    (last updated September 15th, 2024 11:19:25)