
2018 Sagan Exoplanet Summer Workshop

Did I Really Just Find an Exoplanet?

POP Presentation Schedule and Poster Listing

Posters will be up all week just outside Beckman Institute Auditorium. There will be two dedicated poster sessions, Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday afternoon. Please see the listing below for the poster presenters for each day.

The space available for each poster is 4' x 4' (1.2 m x 1.2 m).

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all POP abstracts (in alphabetical order)

all poster abstracts (in alphabetical order)

click title to view abstracts

Monday July 23 POP Presentations (click to view slides)

Tuesday July 24 - POP Presentations

  • 1. Detecting Planet Obliquity in Thermal Phase Curves — Arthur Adams (Yale University)
  • 2. Two new giant planets in the HARPS-N metal-poor sample — Domenico Barbato (INAF-Torino Observatory)
  • 3. HiCannon: Application of The Cannon to Keck/HIRES For Data-Driven Spectroscopy of Cool Stars — Aida Behmard (Caltech)
  • 4. Extensible, Object-oriented Python Packages For Orbit-fitting — Sarah Blunt (Caltech)
  • 5. G-ACF - A generalised autocorrelation function for irregular time series — Josh Briegal (University of Cambridge)
  • 6. High resolution day-side spectroscopy of the hot gas giant HD 102195b — Gloria Guilluy (University of Turin)
  • 7. Enigmatic AD Leo: a planet, a star spot, or both? — Diana Kossakowski (MPIA Heidelberg)
  • 8. Searching for Young Hot Jupiters Around T Tauri Stars — Larissa Nofi (Lowell Observatory)
  • 9. Nature vs. Nurture: A Statistical Framework for Assessing Posited Correlations between Stellar Age and Planetary Orbital Properties — Emily Safsten (Pennsylvania State University)
  • 10. Stellar Magnetic Activity Indicators — Alexander Wise (University of Delaware)

Wednesday July 25 - POP Presentations

  • 1. Oxyometer for Exoplanet Characterization — Ashley Baker (University of Pennsylvania)
  • 2. Forming Hot Jupiters — Juliette Becker (University of Michigan)
  • 3. Investigating Young Planetary Systems Through Their Debris Disks — Jiayin Dong (Pennsylvania State University)
  • 4. Simulating Planetary Systems within Star Clusters — Mark Giovinazzi (University of Pennsylvania)
  • 5. Irregular Satellite Collisions: A Formation Mechanism for Circumstellar Debris Rings — Kevin Hayakawa (UCLA)
  • 6. The Gemini Planet Imager View of the HD 32297 Debris Disk — Justin Hom (Arizona State University)
  • 7. The Origin of Kepler-419B: A Path to Tidal Migration Through Secular Eccentricity Modulation — Jonathan Jackson (Penn State University)
  • 8. Characterizing Exoplanet Atmospheres with the WFIRST Optical Coronagraph — Brianna Lacy (Princeton University)
  • 9. Statistical Speckle Discrimination — Noah Swimmer (UC Santa Barbara)
  • 10. Debris Disks in L'-band with the Vortex Coronagraph — Marie Ygouf (Caltech/IPAC)

Thursday July 26 - POP Presentations

  • 1. Boosting the Yield of Direct Imaging Space Missions with EPRV Measurements — Shannon Dulz (University of Notre Dame)
  • 2. Tidal Dissipation in Hot Jupiter Systems — Jacob Hamer (Johns Hopkins University)
  • 3. Using the UKIRT Microlensing Survey as a Pathfinder for WFIRST — Savannah Jacklin (Vanderbilt University)
  • 4. ROCKE-3D: The Effects of Rotation Rate on the Surface Temperature of Terrestrial Worlds — Tiffany Jansen (Columbia University)
  • 5. Low-mass Stars that Host Small Exoplanets are Metal Rich — Xinyu (Cicero) Lu (Johns Hopkins University)
  • 6. Discovery, characterization, and confirmation of the directly imaged planet HD 95086 b — Tiffany Meshkat (IPAC/Caltech)
  • 7. Detecting Planets transiting Ultra-Cool Dwarfs - A Photometric Analysis of the SPECULOOS Project — Catriona Murray (University of Cambridge)
  • 8. Spectroscopic Variability in M50 & analysis of Au Mic — Norbert Zicher (University of Oxford)
  • 9. MINERVA-Red: A telescope dedicated to the discovery of planets orbiting the nearest low-mass stars — David Sliski (University of Pennsylvania)

Tuesday Poster Session Presenters (posters will be up all week)

  • Arthur Adams (Yale University) — Detecting Planet Obliquity in Thermal Phase Curves
  • Fernando Alvarez Santana (UNAM Astronomy Institute) — Methodology to detect exoplanet transits in the project TAOS-2
  • Domenico Barbato (INAF-Torino Observatory) — Two new giant planets in the HARPS-N metal-poor sample
  • Aida Behmard (Caltech) — HiCannon: Application of The Cannon to Keck/HIRES For Data-Driven Spectroscopy of Cool Stars
  • David Berardo (MIT) — Analyzing Spitzer follow-up of K2 planets in preparation for the transition to TESS
  • Trisha Bhowmik (Observatoire de Paris) — Spectro-Polarimetric analysis of HD32297 debris disk?
  • Sarah Blunt (Caltech) — Extensible, Object-oriented Python Packages For Orbit-fitting
  • Josh Briegal (University of Cambridge) — G-ACF - A generalised autocorrelation function for irregular time series
  • Bryson Cale (George Mason University) — Precise Near Infrared Radial Velocities With iSHELL
  • Alma Ceja (UC Riverside) — Using Exoplanet Climate Simulations to Constrain Astroecology Models
  • Cristilyn Gardner (University of Wyoming) — Characterizing Giant Exoplanets through Multiwavelength Transit Observations: KELT-9b
  • Steven Giacalone (UC Berkeley) — A Validation Tool for TESS Exoplanet Candidates
  • Helen Giles (Observatory of Geneva) — Validating Monotransits from Space Missions
  • Gloria Guilluy (University of Turin) — High resolution day-side spectroscopy of the hot gas giant HD 102195b
  • Kevin Hardegree-Ullman (University of Toledo) — Kepler Planet Occurrence Rates for Mid-Type M Dwarfs as a Function of Spectral Type
  • Brian Healy (Johns Hopkins University) — The Effect of CCD Straps on TESS Photometry
  • Vedad Hodzic (University of Birmingham) — WASP-128b: a short-period brown dwarf transiting a G0V host
  • Diana Kossakowski (MPIA Heidelberg) — Enigmatic AD Leo: a planet, a star spot, or both?
  • Isabel Lipartito (UC Santa Barbara) — DARKNESS: A MKID-based Integral Field Spectrograph for High-Contrast Observations at Palomar Observatory
  • Sean McCloat (University of North Dakota) — Towards A Student-led TTV Research Program at UND
  • Mayuko Mori (The University of Tokyo) — Light-curve Analyses on TRAPPIST-1 d & e for Mass Estimation
  • Larissa Nofi (Lowell Observatory) — Detecting Young Exoplanets: An Infrared Radial Velocity Survey of T Tauri Stars
  • Merrin Peterson (University of Montreal)) — Wolf 503b: A 2 Earth Radius Planet Orbiting a Bright, Nearby K-dwarf
  • Romina Petrucci (IA-UNAM/CONICET) — The SAINT-EX project: Searching for terrestrial planets around ultra-cool stars
  • Emily Safron (Louisiana State University) — Searching for long-period transiting exoplanets with Planet Hunters
  • Emily Safsten (Pennsylvania State University) — Nature vs. Nurture: A Statistical Framework for Assessing Posited Correlations between Stellar Age and Planetary Orbital Properties
  • Patrick Tamburo (Boston University) — A Near-Infrared Search for Transiting Exoplanets around Brown Dwarfs using the 1.8-m Perkins Telescope
  • Alexander Wise (University of Delaware) — Stellar Magnetic Activity Indicators
  • Xinyu Yao (Lehigh University) — Using Ground-Based Surveys to Precover TESS Single Transits
  • Inbok Yea (University of Delaware) — Debris Disk Characterization Using Alternate IR Photometries From 2MASS

Wednesday Poster Session Presenters (posters will be up all week)

  • Ashley Baker (University of Pennsylvania) — Oxyometer for Exoplanet Characterization
  • Juliette Becker (University of Michigan) — Forming Hot Jupiters
  • Cam Buzard (Caltech) — Ground- and Space-Based Detection of the Thermal Emission Spectrum of the Transiting Hot Jupiter KELT-2Ab
  • Caddy Cortes (Universidad de Concepcion) — Search for Exoplanetary Transits in the Galactic Bulge
  • Jiayin Dong (Pennsylvania State University) — Investigating Young Planetary Systems Through Their Debris Disks
  • Shannon Dulz (University of Notre Dame) — Boosting the Yield of Direct Imaging Space Missions with EPRV Measurements
  • Jon Fernández Otegi (Observatory of Geneva) — Exoplanet characterisation: linking theory & observations
  • Mark Giovinazzi (University of Pennsylvania) — Simulating Planetary Systems within Star Clusters
  • Richard Hall (University of Cambridge) — On the Feasibility of Intense Radial Velocity Surveys for Earth-twin Discoveries
  • Kevin Hayakawa (UCLA) — Irregular Satellite Collisions: A Formation Mechanism for Circumstellar Debris Rings
  • Justin Hom (Arizona State University) — The Gemini Planet Imager View of the HD 32297 Debris Disk
  • Mengya (Mia) Hu (Princeton University) — Image Processing Methods for Exoplanet Detection in Starshade Observations
  • Savannah Jacklin (Vanderbilt University) — Using the UKIRT Microlensing Survey as a Pathfinder for WFIRST
  • Jonathan Jackson (Penn State University) — The Origin of Kepler-419B: A Path to Tidal Migration Through Secular Eccentricity Modulation
  • Hannah Jang-Condell (University of Wyoming) — Exoplanet Research at the University of Wyoming
  • Tiffany Jansen (Columbia University) — ROCKE-3D: The Effects of Rotation Rate on the Surface Temperature of Terrestrial Worlds
  • Emiliano Jofre (OAC-CONICET) — Stellar and planetary characterization of two Kepler multi-planet systems from high-quality Gemini/GRACES spectra
  • Blaise Kuo Tiong (Macquarie University) — Designing and building an ultra-stable single mode fiber spectrograph for adaptive optics assisted observation in the infrared
  • Brianna Lacy (Princeton University) — Characterizing Exoplanet Atmospheres with the WFIRST Optical Coronagraph
  • Rachel Matson (NASA Ames) — Detecting Unresolved Binaries in Exoplanet Transit Surveys with Speckle Imaging
  • Amber Medina (Harvard University) — Techniques for Finding Close-in, Low-mass Planets around Evolved Intermediate Mass Stars
  • Catriona Murray (University of Cambridge) — The SPECULOOS Pipeline for Detection of Planets Transiting Ultra-Cool Dwarf Stars
  • Leonid Pogorelyuk (Princeton University) — Dark Hole Maintenance and A Posteriori Intensity Estimation in Presence of Speckles Drift
  • Mark Popinchalk (CUNY Graduate Center) — Comparison of BT Settl Model Spectra in NIR to Brown Dwarfs and Massive Exoplanets
  • David Sliski (University of Pennsylvania) — MINERVA-Red: A telescope dedicated to the discovery of planets orbiting the nearest low-mass stars
  • Shreyas Vissapragada (Caltech) — Space-Like Infrared Photometry and Spectroscopy of Transiting Exoplanets with WIRC
  • Marie Ygouf (Caltech/IPAC) — Debris Disks in L'-band with the Vortex Coronagraph
  • Norbert Zicher (University of Oxford) — Spectroscopic Variability in M50 & analysis of Au Mic


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(last updated March 12th, 2021 20:37:16)