

2021 Sagan Exoplanet Summer Virtual Workshop

Circumstellar Disks and Young Planets


Speaker names are added as they are confirmed
All times are in the Pacific time zone

Notes on the Agenda:


The 2021 Sagan Summer Workshop will have a mix of pre-recorded and live presentations. We expect to post the pre-recorded talks by early July and shorter, live versions will be presented for many of these. In addition, the live talks will be recorded for eventual posting on the Sagan Summer Workshop YouTube channel.

Panel Discussions:

The panel discussions will give attendees a chance to ask questions in real time. Panel members will give a summary of their talks and then answer questions from the live audience, and any questions submitted ahead of time.

Virtual Poster Sessions and Poster Pops

The poster and Pop submission site will be open from June 21 to July 12. Please see this page for complete information.

Breakfast/Lunch with Speakers

These are small Zoom meetings with a single speaker and a limited attendance (~10) to give the attendees a chance to meet the speakers in a smaller, informal session. The sign-up for these will be available closer to the workshop.

Monday July 19: Protostars, Very Young Stars, Young Stars

Title Speaker
8:15 am Welcome and Opening Comments Chas Beichman, Dawn Gelino, Elise Furlan (Caltech/IPAC-NExScI) view talk
view slides
Chair: Lisa Prato (Lowell Observatory)
8:30 am Disks and Young Planets: A Roadmap for the Workshop Karl Stapelfeldt (JPL) view talk
view slides
9:00 am The First 3 Myr: Protostars and Protoplanetary Disks Tom Megeath (Univ. of Toledo) view talk
view slides
9:30 am The Next 100 Myrs: Young Moving Groups and Associations: Surveys and Membership Jonathan Gagné (Université de Montréal) view talk
10:00 am Break
Chair: Mark Marley (LPL, Univ. of Arizona)
10:30 am Summary and Discussion: Determination of Stellar Properties from Observations and Models, Classification of Young Stars Panel: Isabelle Baraffe (University of Exeter), Greg Feiden (Univ. of North Georgia), Lynne Hillenbrand (Caltech) , Chris Johns-Krull (Rice Univ.) view talk
11:30 am Break
11:45 am Hands-on Session Introduction: Disk Models Virginie Faramaz (JPL/NExScI) view talk
view slides
12:30 pm Poster Pops (10) view pops
view list
1:00 pm Poster Session on Gather view posters
1:45 pm Adjourn
Talks listed below will have pre-recorded versions
Determination of Stellar Properties of Young Stars (Observations) Lynne Hillenbrand (Caltech) view talk
view slides
Determination of Stellar Properties: The Modeller's Point of View Isabelle Baraffe (University of Exeter) view talk
view slides

Tuesday July 20: Primordial, Planet-Forming Disks and Disk Structure

Title (click title to view slide deck) Speaker Link
Chair: Tom Megeath (Univ. of Toledo)
8:30 am Summary and Discussion: Techniques, Observations, and Diagnostics of Protoplanetary Disks: Inner Disk and Outer Disk Joan Najita (NOIRLab) , Laura Perez (Univ. of Chile) view talk
9:15 am Gas and Chemistry in Protoplanetary Disks Karin Öberg (Harvard University) view talk
9:35 am Dust Grain Evolution: From Sub-micron Grains to Pebbles to Planetesimals Myriam Benisty (IPAG/Universite Grenoble Alpes) and Til Birnstiel (LMU Munich) view talk
9:55 am Break
10:25 am Structures in Disks and Planet-Disk Interactions Jaehan Bae (Carnegie EPL) view talk
Chair: Isabel Rebollido (STScI)
10:45 am Summary and Discussion: Debris Disks as Planetary Signposts (Theory and Observations) Mark Wyatt (Univ. of Cambridge) , Alycia Weinberger (Carnegie EPL) view talk
11:15 am Panel Discussion: Disk Dissipation Andrea Banzatti (Texas State Univ.), Adam Kraus (Univ. of Texas), Lisa Prato (Lowell Obs.) view talk
12:00 pm Poster Pops (10) view pops
view list
12:30 pm Break
12:45 pm Hands-on Session: Disk Models
1:45 pm Adjourn
Talks listed below will have pre-recorded versions
Techniques, Observations, and Diagnostics of Protoplanetary Disks: Inner Disk Joan Najita (NOIRLab) view talk
view slides
Techniques, Observations, and Diagnostics of Protoplanetary Disks: Outer Disk Laura Perez (Universidad de Chile) view talk
view slides
Gas and Chemistry in Protoplanetary Disks Karin Öberg (Harvard University) view talk
Dust Grain Evolution: From Sub-micron Grains to Pebbles to Planetesimals Myriam Benisty (IPAG/Université Grenoble Alpes) and Til Birnstiel (LMU Munich) view talk
view slides
Structures in Disks and Planet-Disk Interactions Jaehan Bae (Carnegie EPL) view talk
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Debris Disks as Planetary Signposts (Theory) Mark Wyatt (University of Cambridge) view talk
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Debris Disks as Planetary Signposts (Observations) Alycia J. Weinberger (Carnegie EPL) view talk
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The Impact of Binary Stars on Protoplanetary Disks and Planet Formation Adam Kraus (Univ. of Texas) view talk
view slides

Wednesday July 21: Planet Formation

Title (click title to view slide deck) Speaker Link
7:30 am "Breakfast" with Speakers: A Chance to Have Informal Conversations with Our Workshop Speakers
Chair: Daniel Thorngren (University of Montreal)
8:30 am Summary and Discussion: Formation and Evolution of Giant and Terrestrial Planets Ravit Helled (Univ. of Zurich), André Izidoro (Rice University) view talk
9:15 am Summary and Discussion: Dynamical Processes in Planetary Systems Rebecca Martin (UNLV), Aline Vidotto (Univ. of Dublin), BJ Fulton (Caltech/IPAC-NExScI) view talk
10:00 am Break
Chair: Karl Stapelfeldt (JPL)
10:30 am Summary and Discussion: Planet Population Synthesis and Planet Demographics (Confronting Theory and Observations) Christoph Mordasini (Univ. of Bern), Eric Nielsen (NMSU) view talk
11:15 am Hands-on Session Introduction: Simulating Spectra of Planet Atmospheres Natasha Batalha (NASA Ames), Mark Marley (LPL, Univ. of Arizona) view talk
12:00 pm Break
12:15 pm Hands-on Session: Simulating Spectra of Planet Atmospheres Natasha Batalha (NASA Ames), Mark Marley (LPL, Univ. of Arizona)
1:15 pm Poster Session on Gather view posters
1:45 pm Adjourn
Talks listed below will have pre-recorded versions
The Formation and Evolution of Giant Planets Ravit Helled (University of Zurich) view talk
Formation and Evolution of Terrestrial Planets André Izidoro (Rice University) view talk
Dynamical Processes in Planetary Systems: Disk Dynamics Rebecca Martin (UNLV) view talk
view slides
How Stellar Irradiation and Erosion Can Shape the Early Evolution of Planetary Atmospheres Aline Vidotto (Univ. of Dublin) view talk
view slides
Planet Population Synthesis: Comparing Theory and Observation Christoph Mordasini (University of Bern) view pt 1
view pt 2
slides pt 1
slides pt 2
Planet Demographics: Confronting Theory and Observations Eric Nielsen (New Mexico State University) view talk
view slides
The Fulton Gap: Stellar Insolation or Internal Heating BJ Fulton (Caltech/IPAC-NExScI) view talk

Thursday July 22: Finding and Characterizing Young Planets

Title (click title to view slide deck) Speaker Link
7:30 am "Breakfast" with Speakers: A Chance to Have Informal Conversations with Our Workshop Speakers
Chair: Beth Biller (University of Edinburgh)
8:30 am Summary and Discussion: Finding Young Planets with Direct Imaging, Precision Radial Velocities, Astrometry, and Transits Anne-Marie Lagrange (CNRS/Université Grenoble Alpes), Arpita Roy (Caltech), Mathias Nowak (Univ. of Cambridge), Andrew Mann (UNC at Chapel Hill) view talk
9:30 am Panel Discussion: Challenges in Finding Young Planets Gael Chauvin (IPAG, Grenoble and Univ. of Chile), Trevor David (Flatiron Institute), Raphaelle Haywood (Univ. of Exeter) view talk
10:15 am Break
Chair: Eunkyu Han (UT Austin)
10:45 am Observations of Young Planets at Different Evolutionary Stages Trevor David (Flatiron Institute) view talk
11:05 am Spectra of Young Planets Andy Skemer (UC Santa Cruz) view talk
11:25 am Combining High Spatial and High Spectral Resolution to Find and Characterize Young Planets Jayne Birkby (Univ. of Oxford) view talk
view slides
11:55 am Break
12:10 pm Hands-on Session: Simulating Spectra of Planet Atmospheres Natasha Batalha (NASA Ames), Mark Marley (LPL, Univ. of Arizona)
1:10 pm Poster Session on Gather view posters
1:40 pm Adjourn
Talks listed below will have pre-recorded versions
Direct Imaging of Young Exolanets Anne-Marie Lagrange (CNRS/Université Grenoble Alpes) view talk
Infant Worlds: Finding Young Planets with Precision Radial Velocities Arpita Roy (Caltech) view talk
view slides
Finding Planets with Astrometry Mathias Nowak (Univ. of Cambridge) view talk
view slides
Finding Young Transiting Planets Andrew Mann (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) view talk
view slides
Observations of Young Planets at Different Evolutionary Stages Trevor David (Flatiron Institute) view talk
view slides
Spectra of Young Planets Andy Skemer (UC Santa Cruz) view talk

Friday July 23: Young Planets: Evolution and the Future

Title (click title to view slide deck) Speaker Link
7:30 am "Breakfast" with Speakers: A Chance to Have Informal Conversations with Our Workshop Speakers
Chair: Virginie Faramaz (NExScI/JPL)
8:30 am Simulating Spectra of Planet Atmospheres Hands-on Session Recap: Answers to Questions Natasha Batalha (NASA Ames), Mark Marley (LPL, Univ. of Arizona) view talk
9:00 am Effects of Energetic Events on Atmospheres of HZ Planets Orbiting M Stars Evgenya L. Shkolnik (Arizona State University) view talk
9:30 am Accretion onto Planets and Circumplanetary Disks Kate Follette (Amherst College) view talk
10:00 am Break
Chair: Chas Beichman (Caltech/IPAC-NExScI)
10:30 am Panel Discussion: Future Facilities/Missions and their Contributions to our Understanding of Circumstellar Disks and Young Planets view talk
JWST Christine Chen (STScI) (see link above)
Roman for Disks and Planet Demographics Scott Gaudi (Ohio State) (see link above)
Future Flagships (Habex/LUVOIR/Origins) Aki Roberge (NASA GSFC) (see link above)
30-m Telescopes Markus Kasper (ESO) (see link above)
11:30 am Closing Comments Dawn Gelino (NExScI) view talk
11:40 am Break
12:00 pm "Lunch" with Speakers: A Chance to Have Informal Conversations with Our Workshop Speakers
1:00 pm "Lunch" with Speakers: A Chance to Have Informal Conversations with Our Workshop Speakers
2:00 pm "Lunch" with Speakers: A Chance to Have Informal Conversations with Our Workshop Speakers
3:00 pm Adjourn
Talks listed below will have pre-recorded versions
Effects of Energetic Events on Atmospheres of HZ Planets Orbiting M Stars Evgenya L. Shkolnik (Arizona State University) view talk
Accretion onto Planets and Circumplanetary Disks Kate Follette (Amherst College) view talk
view slides
JWST Cycle 1 Exoplanet and Disk Observations Christine Chen (STScI) view talk
view slides
Future Contributions to Our Understanding of Circumstellar Disks and Young Planets: Roman Scott Gaudi (Ohio State University) view talk
view slides
Future Contributions to Our Understanding of Circumstellar Disks and Young Planets: Future Flagships (Habex, LUVOIR, Origins) Aki Roberge (NASA GSFC) view talk
view slides
Future Contributions to Our Understanding of Circumstellar Disks and Young Planets: 30-m telescopes Markus Kasper (ESO) view talk
view slides


Workshop Code of Conduct.

2021 Workshop home page

(last updated March 2nd, 2022 09:34:31)